March 4, 2024 Uncategorized by Advocacy group formed for children with dyslexia Julia Bell creates to group to call for better identification of the condition in island schools.
January 26, 2025 Tynwald approved £16.3m for major schemes Politicians back funding for new houses, a new respite centre and drainage works at the airport.
March 17, 2023 Isle of Man extends 5p per litre cut to fuel duty in line with UK Fuel prices will continue to be cut in line with the UK chancellor’s spring budget announcement.
February 17, 2023 Ramsey courthouse: New community purpose for historic building The former courthouse building in the north of the Isle of Man has been given a new lease of life.
January 5, 2024 Ship available to Guernsey and Jersey in emergencies The BBC understands an agreement to charter the Arrow for emergencies was recently reached.