January 10, 2023 Uncategorized by Douglas Promenade: Lightning strike damages 200 street lights Douglas Council says repairs to the lights will not be carried out until at least mid-March.
November 16, 2022 Child injured by discarded hypodermic needle on Isle of Man A seven-year-old is treated in hospital after finding discarded needles on school grounds in Douglas.
November 7, 2023 First Isle of Man population report shows 461 rise in residents A report finds the population now stands at 84,530, up on the 84,069 recorded in the 2021 census.
July 28, 2023 Isle of Man views sought on future of cash on island Work is being carried out to gauge changes in the use of cash after the coronavirus pandemic.
February 14, 2025 Volunteers sought to ‘shape’ Isle of Man education Seven new members of an advisory board are wanted to improve the Isle of Man’s education system.