January 4, 2024 Uncategorized by Homestay registration set to reopen after delay The scheme is set to reopen following a delay while the Manx government found a new firm to run it.
December 1, 2023 Isle of Man Sports Awards: Call to nominate athletes for achievements People are asked to highlight the achievements of the Isle of Man’s top athletes for recognition.
November 12, 2024 Man jailed for breaking partner’s cheek in assault Jack Mallaby, 21, is jailed for two and a half years for the 25-minute assault in May last year.
October 10, 2023 Children in care failed by Isle of Man services, Oftsed finds Children are not being safeguarded and there are “significant gaps” in housing provision, Ofsted says.
May 23, 2024 Extra 10,000 homes needed to meet population goals Net migration of about 1,000 a year is needed to reach government population targets, a review says.