April 4, 2023 Uncategorized by Isle of Man airport Instrument Landing System upgrade complete Work to replace the Instrument Landing System at the Isle of Man’s airport had led to flight delays.
December 6, 2022 Cost of sending mail on Isle of Man to rise by 10% Isle of Man Post Office says prices will increase in January, rather than April, due to rising costs.
December 22, 2023 2027 Island Games: Faroe Islands to host after Ynys Mon pull out Faroe Islands will host the 2027 Island Games after Ynys Mon pull out due to the costs of hosting the event.
January 10, 2023 Mark Cavendish’s wife made seven-minute 999 call after ‘knife raid’ Peta Cavendish is heard describing how accused rushed into their Essex home in November 2021.
December 4, 2023 Hospital letters to be sent out six weeks before The pilot by Manx Care aims to cut the number of no-shows at health appointments scheduled in advance.