July 30, 2024 Uncategorized by Man aims to swim around Isle of Man to support charity David Higson began sea-swimming after his son took his own life and wants to help a charity.
March 24, 2023 Survey shows Isle of Man businesses fear wage and electricity rises Concerns over rising costs are intensifying for Isle of Man firms, a business lobby group says.
November 30, 2023 Legislative Council passes under-18 vaping ban bill The laws pass their final step in the upper chamber but a bid to reduce criminalisation fails.
February 9, 2023 Isle of Man TT: Refurbished sidecar to feature in new gallery Norman Cowin, who spent 80 hours restoring the machine, says it was like dealing with a “big jigsaw”.
December 14, 2023 Government HR office facing reforms after unfair dismissal case The Manx government’s office of human resources was reviewed after the dismissal of Dr Rosalind Ranson.