August 15, 2023 Uncategorized by Manx Grand Prix: Call for volunteers to sign up to marshal event A total of 553 volunteers are needed for each qualifying and race session on the Mountain Course.
December 18, 2023 Replacement signs designed to mark Manx capital’s city status Douglas Council is set to replace a total of 55 street signs with new designs at a cost of £5,000.
April 26, 2024 Plan to address skills shortage brought forward The three-year strategy outlines plans to address skills gaps identified by employers on the island.
July 14, 2023 Cannabis dealer caught while on suspended sentence sent to prison Megan Fielden, 26, is jailed after previously being spared jail because of her young children.
September 2, 2022 Access to Douglas beach restored after waves damaged stairs Stairs giving access to Port Skillion beach have been replaced after suffering damage during storms.