November 8, 2024 Uncategorized by Meeting called over town square car ban plan A meeting is called by a group of residents about the bid to make the Market Square ban permanent.
September 2, 2022 Access to Douglas beach restored after waves damaged stairs Stairs giving access to Port Skillion beach have been replaced after suffering damage during storms.
September 28, 2022 Inquiry into Ramsey boundary extension plans within a year Plans for the town’s expansion have not been universally popular across the island.
December 16, 2022 Plans to scrap and rebuild Manx football club’s run down facilities Douglas Council puts forward plans a £500,000 replacement of a Manx football club’s facilities.
December 5, 2023 Laxey Wheel: Commissioners object to plans for new entrance hub Garff Commissioners lodge their opposition to plans for a new entrance at the landmark site.