February 1, 2025 Uncategorized by New Laxey Wheel visitor entrance plans submitted New plans for the Laxey Wheel are put forward for approval after criticism of the original design.
February 17, 2025 Beach cleans held ahead of bird nesting season Sessions will target two keys areas in a bid to protect chicks from plastic pollution before March.
October 27, 2022 Staff shortages cause Isle of Man repeat prescriptions delays Manx Care has urged people to plan ahead when ordering repeat prescriptions due to potential delays.
November 14, 2023 Work on new £900k sea wall in Douglas to start in the new year The plan to create sea defences is designed to protect the promenade from storm damage and flooding.
July 14, 2023 Bid to allocate extra £10m contingency for Liverpool ferry terminal Tynwald will be asked to approve an additional £10m in contingency for the Liverpool-based project.