February 10, 2025 Uncategorized by Pump attendant hit ex’s new partner with iron bar Stephen Hodgson has been jailed for 16 months for attacking the man when he went to buy fuel.
November 1, 2024 Pilot who hid camera in woman’s home jailed Martyn Bourner is jailed for 20 months after hiding a camera in a dog bed in a woman’s home.
September 1, 2023 Views on healthcare priorities for women in the Isle of Man asked for Manx Care says the views of those who use the services will help to shape a women’s health strategy.
December 7, 2023 Bradda Head plane crash ‘likely to have been deliberate’ An accident investigation finds the light aircraft was put “on a collision course” with Bradda Head.
July 5, 2022 Isle of Man: Amnesty held for those who wrongly received Covid aid Claimants have 20 days to come forward and arrange repayments, the Isle of Man government says.