June 16, 2024 Uncategorized by Replacement mill windows approved retrospectively New windows and doors at an office block at the 19th Century Laxey Glen Flour Mill are approved.
February 22, 2023 UK watchdog recommends improvement at Isle of Man hospice It follows a review by the Care Quality Commission of services at Hospice Isle of Man.
September 16, 2023 Dog having seizure on Manx beach saved by ‘lifesaving’ strangers Chris Finlay praises those who came to his aid when his dog Rigsy had a seizure on Douglas beach.
July 5, 2022 Isle of Man charity given cash boost to help recruit volunteers Junior Achievement is awarded £15,000 after its number of volunteers dropped by 50%.
January 27, 2023 Peel beach annual dog ban reduction plan rejected by public Peel Commissioners decide not to reduce the six-month ban on dogs after residents reject the idea.