January 13, 2025 Uncategorized by Revised pay offer for doctors ‘not accepted’ Manx Care says a union has not accepted an offer to match pay scales in England for the lower paid.
April 4, 2023 Views split on Isle of Man proposals for assisted dying laws A consultation on assisted dying on the island finds an almost even split on a change in the law.
March 14, 2024 Healthcare body’s finances to be reviewed monthly Manx Care is to report financial information on a monthly basis, the Treasury minister says.
April 14, 2024 Walk to the Tower of Refuge set to return in May The walk to the Douglas Bay landmark will let the community pay tribute to the RNLI, organisers say.
January 2, 2024 Illiam Dhone ceremony ‘culturally significant’ A ceremony to honour a Manx nationalist martyr who was killed in 1663 has been held in Castletown.