August 17, 2022 Uncategorized by Tynwald recalled to debate the Isle of Man’s rising cost of living Isle of Man politicians will sit in September to debate how to help people through the winter.
September 26, 2023 No appointments available as GP surgeries close for staff training People are urged not to put additional pressure on Noble’s Hospital during the afternoon closure.
November 8, 2024 MHK sacked from heath department by ministers Chris Thomas is dismissed from his role after backing a vote of no confidence in the chief minister.
August 14, 2023 Airport basking shark mosaic ‘celebrates Manx marine life’ The piece featuring a basking shark surrounded by plankton was unveiled at the Isle of Man’s Airport.
December 13, 2022 Isle of Man Heathrow flights to continue in summer Daily flights between the island and London’s main hub are included in Loganair’s summer schedule.